
ESG Policy Implementation in Housing Infrastructure Financing through Public-Private Partnership Schemes

Jakarta, December 5, 2024 – The Directorate of Housing Infrastructure Financing Implementation under the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing has decided to conduct batch 7 training in connection with the issuance of the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Manual for Public-Private Partnership Projects (KPBU) by the Ministry of Finance. The training is intended to apply ESG principles to the Housing Sector KPBU project plan and improve general understanding regarding the implementation of ESG.

The training was attended by stakeholders from government institutions and development partners, including the Indonesia-Australia Partnership for Infrastructure (KIAT) and ARUP, who supported this training to take place.

Mieke as Director of Housing Infrastructure Financing Implementation made an important statement that ESG has been adopted by the Indonesian Government by the Ministry of Finance, and PU will adopt the ESG Framework and Manual for all projects. We are committed to achieving the SDG goals set by the Indonesian government.

Lenny Hidayat, Partner at Greenwise Consulting, also played a key role in this training explaining about the Implementation of ESG Policy in Housing Infrastructure Financing with the Government Cooperation Scheme with Business Entities included in the module, which was the main reference during the training session.

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