
Greenwise Consulting
Your trusted partner for climate investing
Greenwise Consulting
Your trusted partner for climate investing
Greenwise Consulting
Green Climate Fund for Climate Investing in Indonesia
Turning Sustainability Into Climate Action

Greenwise Consulting (GWC) team provides expert advice and services to businesses and enterprises to become more environmentally sustainable. 

Our products and services are but not limited to identifying and implementing energy-efficient practices, reducing waste, promoting the use of renewable resources, and creating an impactful climate action on the ground. 

Our team will assist environmentally friendly business operations, products, and services, and may assist with the development of sustainability projects, tracking, and reporting. The goal is to help organizations reduce detrimental environmental impact and become more sustainable in their operations.

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Mainstreaming ESG

Mainstreaming ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) into business operations involves incorporating ESG considerations into day-to-day decision-making and operations of a company or organization.

Climate Action

Turning ESG into climate action involves using the criteria of ESG to identify and prioritize areas of a company or organization's operations that have the most significant impact on climate deterioration, and then taking specific actions.

Compliance Standard

In creating a climate action, organizations must comply with the relevant laws and regulations. The climate-related compliance standards that must be kept in mind are.

See Our Services

Compliance Assessment

Compliance is one of the preliminary steps that a company should take while embarking towards a path of sustainability

Environmental and Social Management System

An Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) is a crucial framework for your company to effectively handle and reduce environmental and social risks linked to your business operations.

Green Investment & Readiness Survey

Green investment is essential for combating climate change and building a more sustainable future

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