
Our New Partnership for Development of Private Sector Engagement Strategy

We are pleased to announce our recent partnership with the Fiscal Policy Agency and GGGI as part of the NDA GCF Secretariat.The Fiscal Policy Agency (Badan Kebijakan Fiskal, or BKF), under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, is the NDA GCF in Indonesia, in accordance with Minister of Finance Decree No. 756/KMK.010/2017. The Center for Climate Finance and Multilateral Policy (Pusat Kebijakan Pembiayaan Perubahan Iklim dan Multilateral, or PKPPIM) of the Fiscal Policy Agency, acts as the NDA Secretariat in Indonesia. Based on nomination from the NDA, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) has been appointed as a delivery partner to implement the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme (RPSP). GGGI is an international organization that focuses on collaborating with member countries to develop policies, projects, and programs that support the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon, and environmentally friendly economy.

This partnership aims to improve the achievement of the 2030 ENDC Targets to reduce emissions by conducting a study of private sector engagement in adaptation and mitigation projects in priority sectors. These include Water and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Energy, Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU), and Food sectors. The output of the study will be a strategy on how to increase private sector involvement in financing and implementing climate adaptation and mitigation projects in Indonesia, thus helping Indonesia in achieving its ENDC targets.

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